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New York, United States
Wall Street
Wall Street is located at the southern tip of Manhattan. It is the symbolic center of the financial world, and the New York Stock Exchange, with its majestic appearance, is a landmark. It is the name of a short, 600-meter street that starts at South Street along the East River and ends at Broadway, but the surrounding area is often referred to as Wall Street as well. It is a financial center that continues to watch over the rise and fall of the world economy, and at the same time, it has become a tourist attraction that many people visit to catch a glimpse of this place.
The Manhattan area occupies the center of New York City, the largest city in the United States, facing the Atlantic Ocean. The long, narrow island stretching from north to south is crowded with world-famous landmarks such as the iconic skyscrapers, Central Park, Times Square, and Broadway. The beauty of the streets, which are laid out in a regular grid pattern, and the variety of faces in each area are also attractive. Visitors can enjoy a variety of trips according to their favorite themes, such as architecture, art, and sports.