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About Us

Make the everyday an adventure. Consider our time on earth. We each encounter only a small portion of the world’s people, songs, and scenery during our lifetimes. It can be frustrating. And the technology we create doesn’t always drive radical innovation or greatly improve our daily lives.  But. Consider looking around and seeing the boundless world before you made a little smaller, and your own world made a bit bigger. That is what we strive to make: technology that can expand the ordinary, and make an adventure out of the everyday. That’s us. That is Atmoph.

The beginning

In 2004, co-founder Kyohi was living in an apartment in Los Angeles. Life was fun, but with learning a new language, living in a new country, and researching at his university lab, there was also a growing stress inside him.

At a certain point, he began to feel his apartment’s atmosphere was cramped and suffocating. There was no sense of openness, and looking out the window showed only the apartment building next door. To create a feeling of spaciousness, he tried things like changing his computer’s desktop to a photo of a tropical beach, or playing landscape DVDs, but nothing quite worked. Over the next ten years, Kyohi continued to think of ideas for how to solve this problem, and then it finally occurred to him, “We can’t change the view from our homes. But what if we could?” A product with the design of a window that simply hangs on the wall, which opens to landscapes from all over the world. A simple concept, yet at the time time, it would be a dream come true.

With that concept in mind, in 2014, Atmoph was founded in Kyoto, Japan, and Atmoph Window, the world’s first smart digital window, was created. At Atmoph, we are rethinking the way we connect with nature and technology.

Kyohi Kang

Co-Founder / CEO

Born in Tokyo, Kyohi worked at Nintendo on UI engineering for their game consoles' online services, after leading the User Interface Technology Department at NHN Japan. He earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Aoyama Gakuin University and a MS in Computer Science from the University of Southern California, studying robotics. A Brazilian music lover.

Kyohi Kang

Kyohei Nakano

Co-Founder / Director / Software Engineer

Kyohei started his career at Yahoo! Japan by building sports news servers. Later, at Mixi, he contributed to the development of online payment, photo sharing and music streaming services. And at Nintendo, he developed Nintendo eShop and content download servers for game consoles. He was qualified as the IPA MITOH Super Creator in 2008.

Kyohei Nakano

Yoko Tarui

Director / Designer

Yoko is a designer at Atmoph. She started her own design office in 2008 after working as a graphic designer for advertising and packaging at Saito Numajiri Design for seven years. She studied design at college in San Diego and the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. In her spare time, she enjoys movies and spending time with her kids.

Yoko Tarui

Michael Yamada

Motion Designer

Brazilian-born Japanese, Michael studied graphic design at university, after which he worked as a motion designer for various advertising companies in Brazil and the US. He speaks Portuguese, Japanese, and English. Michael joined Atmoph in 2018 as a UI/UX designer, specializing in motion design. In his free time, he enjoys riding his bicycle and taking pictures of Japan.

Tokinari Shioya


Tokinari has traveled to over 80 countries, being drawn to traveling abroad from his experiences living in several countries during his childhood. As with majoring English Culture Communication in university in Japan, working in sales at Atmoph has him excited to be delivering the world sceneries to a diversity of people. Tokinari joined Atmoph in 2018. He loves pizza, as well as other cuisine from all over the world.

Takashi Kubota

Hardware Engineer

Born in Nagano Prefecture, he worked for over ten years at Nintendo as a software engineer, developing game console OS and network services. Following this he helped develop IoT-based smart systems for agriculture at a rice farm in Nagano, delving into machinery and PCB design. In 2019 he jointed Atmoph as a hardware engineer. He loves scuba-diving, and has dived in oceans across the world.

Chiharu Kawano

Video Editor

After graduating from Osaka University of Arts, she gained experience producing wedding, promotional, and research videos. She joined Atmoph in 2019, where every day she works on Atmoph Window’s Views from across the world, in the hope they can brighten up the lives of as many people as possible. She loves filming the night sky, and on clear nights at the time of the new moon can be seen seeking out locations away from the city lights.

Chiou Kwei Yuan

Software Engineer

Taiwanese. He started working for Foxconn in 2015, where he headed mechanical design for the robot R&D team. After coming to Japan in 2016 for intense training in engineering, he was engaged in image-based machine learning and robot and mobile app R&D at an electronics manufacturing service provider. He joined Atmoph in 2019 to lead software R&D. He loves music, especially playing heavy metal on guitar and bass.

Satoru Miyabe

Head of Corporate Department / Accounting

After graduating from postgraduate school at the University of Hyogo, he gained experience in corporate planing management and accounting for manufacturers etc.. He joined Atmoph in 2019, heading accounting systems in preparation for IPO. Atmoph’s can-do, thinking-outside-the-square style gives him inspiration on a daily basis. He loves ball games, and lately (after the World Cup in Japan) jumped on the rugby bandwagon. He would like to see a New Zealand haka performance in the flesh.

Munehisa Asahioka


Atmoph Designer. Born in 1995. After graduating from Tohoku University of Art and Design in product development, entered an electric-appliance manufacturer and was involved in developing user interface design for apps. A fan of Atmoph’s product, he joined Atmoph in 2020. Nicknamed Mune-kun. Walks with a loose hunched gait, so friend’s liken him to a “yokai” (Japanese mythical creature). A foodie and a gadget geek.

Jin Chun Fen

Production Management

Originally from China, worked in purchasing and production management in the fashion industry in Shanghai for 5 years. After graduating from Ritsumeikan University in 2018, she worked in the cosmetics and fashion industry before joining Atmoph in 2021, where she enjoys the global atmosphere, working globally, and the great people. Loves Jazz music and aromatherapy.

Mai Kajiwara

Customer Relations

Mai lives in Aichi Prefecture. She previously worked as a member of an airport ground crew assisting customers with their travels. Mai is currently in charge of Customer Relations, handling Atmoph's customer inquiries from Japan and abroad. A lover of studying languages, she challenges herself when traveling to see how far she can go using the local language. Even when our languages are different, Mai feels that communication between humans doesn't change.

Yuka Okada

Software Engineer

After working as a software engineer and an automative parts manufacturer, she spent a while trying out seven different places in Japan and abroad as potential places to live, experiencing for herself many different cultures. She ended up settling down in Kyoto, and found herself unexpectedly joining Atmoph as a software engineer after coincidentally participating in one of their fan club events and really relating to their product and philosophy. Her favorite motto is “better now than later”.

Saki Kawanose


Saki is a nationally-certified career consultant. Starting her career in the beauty industry, she transitioned to HR starting in 2009. Now with experience in all HR divisions, she loves to watch people grow and change as part of their work. Her favorite saying is “Saying something shows intelligence, but saying nothing shows character.” Though it isn’t easy, this is the kind of person she aspires to be.

Keiichiro Tanaka

Head of Management Strategy Office / Financial Officer

After graduating from Niigata University, Keiichiro was in charge of disclosures in the accounting division of a publicly-listed company. Thinking he might be able to help small companies grow using the skills and experience he gained, he’s now moved to working with start-ups aiming for an IPO. Before joining Atmoph, he helped two start-ups - a lifestyle company and cloud systems integration firm - become part of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers section for start-ups. His favorite saying is “give it your all”.

Shigehiro Kaku

E-commerce Marketing

After studying design at Kyushu University’s Department of Design, Shigehiro realized he wouldn’t be a designer, but after some time overseas, Shigehiro has worked for two ad agencies, gaining experience with advertising operations, HR and media administration. Shigehiro joined Atmoph because of their products’ appeal and is the kind of person who doesn’t worry much about the future, preferring to enjoy the present. Currently, Shigehiro lives in Oita prefecture with his family of 4, getting his fill of the countryside.

Saori Uchida


Saori studied the start-up environment of Japan and the US at Ritsumeikan University, and after graduating from university, worked as an airport staff member and traveling auditor for a tax office. She joined Atmoph as an accountant in 2024, drawn in by the ability of the company to create new value for the world and to continue producing fascinating products. She loves Finland and has always wanted to go see the Northern Lights.

Shin Sugiyama

Hardware Advisor

Hardware and software engineer Shin joined Nintendo in 2002, where he worked on the development of the game controller for the Wii. After going independent in 2016, he joined Atmoph to assist with hardware development. He has a special ability to find fallen gloves. His record for most gloves discovered in a year is 112.

Susumu Nishiguchi

Full-time Auditor

Susumu is a graduate of the Kyoto University School of Economics. He worked for Osaka City, in charge of the privatization effort for the Osaka City Subway Bus service, followed by serving as the president and CEO of Surutto KANSAI and Managing Director (Accounting and Finance) for the Osaka Metro and the full-time auditor for Osaka City Busses. He finds himself most excited by Atmoph’s core principle of making every day an adventure. In his free time, Susumu jogs and has dedicated himself to searching out onsen and sake.

Ikuma Yuse

External Auditor

After graduating from Waseda University majoring in economics, Ikuma was qualified as a Certified Public Accountant. With experience at a consulting firm focusing on PMI operations for PE funds, he worked at Renoveru as CFO in charge of fund raising and IPO. Born in Aichi prefecture and grew up in Tokyo. He enjoys building Gundam plastic models with his kids.

Our Supporters

Kickstarter, Makuake

Atmoph Window began as a crowdfunding project. Without the support of these super early birds, it would never have become a reality.
List of supporters

Address Atmoph Inc
75-6 Yanagihachimancho, Nakagyo-ku, LS Kyoto 3F
Kyoto, Japan, 604-8101
Founded Aug 14, 2014 Contact contact@atmoph.com Legal Privacy Policy / Terms of Service / Intellectual Property | Legal statement for Commercial transaction
