A window whose view is blocked by the next building, a room with just a tiny window, a windowless wall. How nice would it be if instead you could see a beach and a bright blue sky, a view of New York City at night, or a gentle rain to calm your mind? With Atmoph Window, you can experience beautiful views you thought you never would.
Like music, it can change your mood
When you wake up in the morning, come home after an exhausting day at work, or spend a day off lounging around, the same room always has the same view. The interior can be changed, but not what you see from your window. Just like there are songs for when you’re feeling down, and songs for when you’re feeling great, why not change the scenery and ambient sound to go along with how you feel? Atmoph Window can help change your mood in a big way.
It’s like being there on vacation
Finding time to travel isn’t always easy. And with photos, it can be tough to recall the surrounding scenery. But with Atmoph Window, you can see people walking and chatting, see flowers native to a faraway island swaying in the breeze, hear nature’s rhythm in the waves and the wind, all of which bring your senses to that place, like you were there. How about a trip to some of the furthest areas in this wide world?
The places and countries you’ve always wanted to visit.
You will find them from more than 1,800 landscapes.