ZIGExN Co., Ltd

We installed 15 Atmoph Window devices when we moved to our new offices. Through these windows you can see a cool, refreshing waterfall, and listen to the sound of the water, too.

We installed 15 Atmoph Window devices when we moved to our new offices. Through these windows you can see a cool, refreshing waterfall, and listen to the sound of the water, too. In our traditional Japanese-style meeting room complete with a garden, the windows add a sense of openness and coziness to the space. Along with the calligraphy work of Soun Takeda in the lobby, the atmosphere has a sense of impact while maintaining a delicacy, as well.
ZIGExN Co., Ltd
We provide various online resources, including Tenshoku EX, that help people with big life events like career changes and moving house. We are always looking to develop and expand into new areas so that we can help solve the issues and problems that many people face. We look to provide the support for people to make even better decisions.